Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to Be a Successful Closer

Everybody negotiates all the time. It’s part of everyday life. But most people just don’t have what it takes when it comes to getting the best personal outcome. They get jittery. They squirm. Some are stretched so far beyond their comfort zone they can literally feel ill.
But in business being able to successfully close deals makes the difference between winning and losing; between building a career or getting fired. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a corporate manager or in sales you need to always know how to negotiate from a position of strength. If you need something from the other guy, you’ve already lost. People want what they can’t have. Become the thing people want.
If it doesn’t come naturally, the good news is that it’s a skill that can be acquired. So let me give you some of my basic tips that will make you a successful closer.
1) The Power of Persuasion & Passion
First of all, a passionate belief in your product or service gets you a long way. Customers aren’t dumb. They can tell when you have sincere conviction, or whether you’re just trying to hoodwink them with some slick sales script you’ve been taught. As Vince Lombardi once said, “If you’re not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.” You also need to have a passionate desire to close the sale. You have to really want it! Passion is the fire that comes from within and persuasion is a form of art that feed off each other. And, if your passion bleeds what you want to sell, your art of persuasion can turn each deal into a masterpiece.
2) Give and Take
To achieve your ultimate goal and successfully close any deal, there’s always going to be some give and take. In any negotiation when you’re getting what you want, you need to be seen to be giving something in return. You should make sure that giving something gets you a step nearer to getting the deal on your terms. The art in this step, is in knowing what you’re giving up – you will make up 10X on what you’re trying to receive.
3) Keep It Simple
Don’t over-complicate the terms of a deal. The simpler you can keep an arrangement, the easier it is to understand and the more likely it is that your prospect is going to say yes. Be straightforward. Be humble. Be likeable.
4) Ask Questions
The only way to find out what someone wants is to ask. And keep asking. People love to tell you about themselves and their requirements. But even more importantly you can use questions to solicit affirmative responses. Get them to keep saying ‘yes’ to points that you make and at the end of that discussion, you’ll realize you’ve already got the order – because the idea of the sale is theirs not yours.
5) Don’t Argue
There’s an old saying that’s very true: if you win the argument you lose the sale. Yes, you feel passionately about your product or service and your potential customer has said something completely ridiculous. But it doesn’t serve any useful purpose to get into an argument about it. Sometimes, I have to bite my tongue. But, I never lose my cool. I try to educate, I remain calm and never argue or become controversial. Keep it light. Another approach is to move on to discuss an area where you can agree on something.
6) Don’t Get Angry
Even worse than getting into an argument is getting mad. That’s a surefire way to lose the deal. If you can keep your cool you can keep your deal. Don’t take it personally. If you can stay calm and composed; if you can present an amiable demeanor in spite of provocations you will gain a reputation of being someone pleasant to deal with, someone who will be recommended. People prefer to work with people who are open. Speak slowly but confidently. Don’t become loud, abrasive, or pushy. As I mentioned before: Confidence, Conviction and Charisma are everything in the Art of the Sale.
7) Name Dropping is OK
A good way to make someone feel comfortable with your proposition is to let them know that they’ll be in good company. Bring up names of mutual acquaintances or emphasize others with whom you’ve had a great working relationship. It will make them feel secure. But, don’t be a “Hollywood name dropper.” What I mean by that, don’t fake your way into who you know or who you do business with. Authenticity is one of the biggest assets and hardest things to find in any relationship. The minute someone can smell things aren’t true – they will walk for good.
8) Know When to Say Nothing
You can talk yourself out of a sale—if you’re not careful. Many inexperienced sales people babble on far too long about the benefits of their product, long after the customer has heard enough to make a buying decision. In talking so much they run the danger of raising topics or concerns that would never have occurred to the customer. So, the golden rule when you reach the point of closing the deal is this: say nothing. Stop talking. He who speaks next, loses. Resist the temptation to talk and talk—and your closing percentage will increase. Remember, your not selling a feature, a product, or anything tangible. You are selling opportunity. Once, they’ve been sold, wait for them to react.
9) Don’t Bad Mouth Your Competitors
Make it a rule never to bad mouth your competitors. Obviously, you can point out where your product has strengths and theirs has weaknesses. But there’s no need to say that what they have to offer is “garbage” in comparison. People tend to find it off-putting—to the point where you might score points but lose the game. Nobody wants to deal with negativity not backed by substance.
10) Be Fearless
Even if you’re quaking inside because this is a deal you can’t afford to lose—you can’t afford to show it. Put on a bold face. Do everything in your power not to show vulnerability. Fight to seem relaxed and confident. Don’t hurry the conversation and don’t push too hard because you may well get push back. And if you don’t get this deal, don’t beat yourself up. Move on to the next target.
Bonus Tip: Don’t Take No For An Answer
A good closer persists in trying to turn a no into a yes. He finds a way to revisit areas of contention and rephrase his sales points. It’s not being rude or overbearing. You can be polite and persistent. It’s an indication that you truly believe in what you have to offer. Keep confidently moving forward and enough people (not all) will say yes. I’ve always considered the definition of “No” to be “just not right now.” You’ll get another chance. And, if you follow the right steps – it will happen in due time. That’s why it’s even more important to never sour any relationship. Otherwise, you will never know when that “No” could’ve ultimately been a “Yes”.
All of the above points lead up to the final, extremely important one: it needs to be a win-win. Not only should you walk away feeling happy but so should the other person. That’s the only viable outcome for long-term success.
And, finally, relationships are everything in life. Whether in personal or business – they define how successful we will become. You foster them and they grow with you. But, never burn a bridge, no matter what the circumstances are; because you want to have that last laugh and the sale.
So, take the advice of that late great comedian, Jimmy Durante: “Be nice to people on the way up because you will probably meet them on the way down.”

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

“Keep Going—and Other Key ‘Secrets to Success’”

When you see or hear about someone who has created extraordinary success, do you wonder how they did it? Do you put them on a pedestal—or do you assume that if they can do it, you could do it too?
I once wondered how the successful did it. Was it luck? Did they have certain qualities I lacked, or some other advantage? Perhaps they knew something that would guide me, if I could just discover what it was.
These questions were the beginning of a long search. But before I tell you what I discovered—and how you can benefit from it—let me tell you a little bit of my story.
When I first posed these questions (about 11 years ago) I was living on about $3,800 a month—and going nowhere fast. Approaching my 40th birthday I woke up one morning and anxiously wondered where the hell I was headed with my life. “It’s too late to get my act together” was coming over the horizon (or so I thought).
I was stuck in a rut at work, and was searching for alternatives.
A lot has changed since then. For one thing, I have successful Financial Services and Internet businesses. My business advice is sought by scores of people each month.
Believe me, I wasn’t on track for ANY of this to happen.
These things did happen, though, and I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned in the process, especially a realization that you—with a bit of help and your own desire to succeed—can do the same (or better).
Within a month of my “it’s too late for me” moment, I had an idea—an idea about something I wanted to do. When I started tinkering with my idea I wasn’t particularly thinking about “success” and my vision was extremely limited.
There was one thing about this idea, though, that qualified it as a spectacular idea (though it didn’t seem so at the time).
What made my idea so spectacular?
I was passionate about it.
Because of that passion, lack of motivation wasn’t an issue. I leaped out of bed in the morning eager to think about my idea, do something about it, talk to others about it, learn more about it, and to take action. I hoped my idea would make an additional forty-five thousand dollars a year, doubling my income. That was the extent of my vision.
In pursuing my idea I learned a lot about success. I have to admit, though, that I learned it slowly, especially during the first three or four years. I DID learn, however.
One of the most important lessons I learned:
A HUGE aspect of success (certainly in my top three) is to keep going. Sounds simple, but very few people do it. Most people use any excuse to get off the success train before it gets to the station (in many cases before it even leaves the station). Because I was so passionate about my idea, and because I was having such a good time playing with it, the thought of stopping never occurred to me.
So, I just kept going. I did dumb things. I made mistakes. I wasted time on things that didn’t work, and I blundered in many other ways, but I just kept going. These mistakes and blunders eventually made me wise, though. Now that I know hundreds of super-successful people I see that one of the main things that separates them from those who aren’t successful is that…
…they just kept going.
So don’t quit. Your odds of being a success are infinitely greater if you just keep going. You can’t be a success at something if you stop doing it.
This next lesson is perhaps THE most basic success principle of all: For any outcome you want, there’s a certain way of thinking and acting that will get it for you. You just have to find it and then be willing to adopt it. (And then keep going.)
Some ways of thinking and acting apply to all success. Others are specific to a certain kind of success. Finding this way of thinking and acting, though, is actually the easy part. Why? Because nearly anything you want to know is a Google search away, or at least a book or seminar away.
Yes, it takes time and effort to master the how-to (that’s one reason why it took me several years to get going), but finding it out isn’t a secret.
What’s difficult is adopting this new way of thinking and acting. The truth is, you’ll have to give up a lot of your current way of thinking and acting, and human beings have trouble doing that. Your current way of thinking and acting is creating your current results. If you like those results, great. But if you want different results, you’ll have to adopt a different way of thinking and acting.
There is no other way.
So how do you find that successful way of thinking and acting? Luckily, successful people write books and have books written about them. They often teach seminars or courses. Magazines, newspapers, and blogs interview them.
Many will even sit down with you and talk to you if you ask them nicely.
What should you notice about how successful people think and act? A lot, but here are a few key things: What do they believe—about success, about themselves, about money, about failure, about persistence, and anything else that seems pertinent to their success? Probably something different than what you believe.
Also find out what they think is important. People spend time on what they think is important, and are motivated by it. Since what you spend your time on, and your level of motivation are crucial to success, this is golden information.
Find out how they make decisions. What criteria do they use? Do they decide quickly, or take a long time? (Hint: the answer is quickly, but only once they’ve learned the key facts.)
What do they think about? What do they focus on? When do they focus on the big picture and when do they focus on the details? How do they decide what to do—and then what to do after that?
What do they do when things go wrong (they will, you know)? Successful people look for—and find—the benefits in every setback. The successful become success by failing MORE than other people—not less.
There’s much more I could share, of course, but these ideas will get you started. And as I said above, once you get started…keep going.$

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Make $4,000 Each Month by Taking Your “Hobby” Online (Part 2)

Here are the six steps you will follow to turn your hobby into cash:
Step One
The first step is to choose a hobby or activity that inspires you. Begin by scratching out a list of everything you enjoy. Make the list as long as possible. Don’t worry if your passion seems crazy or even embarrassing. Crazy and embarrassing can be good!
After you have at least 10 (but hopefully several dozen) topics, you will begin to narrow them down by asking the following questions:
  • Is this something that is difficult or complicated? (Collecting butterflies, rare coins, etc.)
  • Is this something that requires skill? (Golf, fly-fishing, playing the French horn, building airplanes, etc.)
  • Is this something that needs tools or parts? (Repairing old radios, vacuum cleaners, motorcycles, etc.)
  • Is this something people have strong opinions about? (Wine, beer, cooking, etc.)
  • Is this something that sounds crazy or embarrassing? (Skydiving, sexual fetishes, eating dirt, etc.)
You are looking for “yeses.” The stronger the yeses, the better. You can then get rid of topics that don’t have that many yeses.
Of the remaining topics, think about the ones that YOU feel you could really get behind and write about enthusiastically.
Step Two
This is where we figure out the online supply and demand for your topic ideas. Supply represents the number of websites and pages that have already been published on your topic by other people and companies. Demand represents the number, or universe, of people who are actually looking for information on your topic.
As you have perhaps already figured out… you don’t want too much supply, and you do want a healthy level of demand.
To see the supply number, think of a search term that matches your topic and type it into the search box at Google. Just above the list of search results you’ll see a number that tells you how many results are being listed.
To find the “demand” number, you can use a free tool like Google’s Ad Words Keyword Planner. This will tell you how many times people use that search term each month.
If this sounds complicated, don’t worry. It doesn’t take long to get the hang of figuring out a promising supply/demand ratio. And you’ll use this ratio to identify which of your topic ideas has the most potential.
For now, let’s focus on the “demand” figure, which represents your universe of potential site visitors.
Take CrossFit, for example. Tim is enthusiastic about CrossFit. A quick look on Google AdWords gives me a universe of 4 million people.
That is a lot of people.
Or how about one of my favorite topics—Jiu Jitsu? Every month more than 1.8 million people scour the Internet looking for information on Jiu Jitsu.
So both CrossFit and Jiu Jitsu might be good topics for a moneymaking website of this kind. (When you start working on this, you’ll also be looking at the supply figures, to make sure your topic isn’t too competitive.)
The purpose of this step is to find a popular topic that has a sizeable universe of prospects, and not too much competition.
And yes, this process works. For example, Tomaz Mencinger, whom I mentioned earlier, is bringing in $3,000 per month in extra income from his site. And Tomaz tells us that it hasn’t yet reached its full potential.
Step Three
After you have determined your topic has the universe you need, find an angle that makes it unique in some way.
I told you that Nick saw a gap between the large coffee websites that offered general information and the connoisseur websites that appealed to coffee snobs.
Every site, forum, or blog he went to was for the “coffee geeks,” the people who freak out if their coffee is brewed two degrees too hot. So Nick decided to fill gap by providing the basics.
Nick’s angle was to create a website for people interested in coffee that was not too snobby, but still comprehensive enough for these beginners to become experts.
Kathy Widenhouse from Lake Wylie, S.C., turned her passion for tomatoes into a moneymaking website. Her site, Tomato Dirt, digs up the best gardening tips for growing tomatoes in your garden or patio.
The money it brings in helps pay for her daughter’s living expenses while she goes through a three-year doctorate program at the Medical University of South Carolina.
Then there’s Nancy Hearn from Phoenix, Ariz. She has an incredible passion for the health benefits of water. Nancy’s site, Water Benefits Health, teaches the health and fitness benefits of drinking water. Her site brings in anywhere from $1,000-3,000 per month with minimal effort.
What you are doing in this step is one of the most important things you must do if you hope to make money from your website.
Every good book on entrepreneurship will tell you that it is easier to sell a product or service if it has a unique selling proposition (USP).
Usually this is some quality or characteristic of the product or service that is lacking in the competition. But sometimes it can simply be a different approach.
For example, let’s say your interest is in pet care. You search the Internet and find that it has a sizeable universe. So you think, “How can I narrow this down?” You could narrow it down by focusing on just one kind of pet, so you choose cats.
That helps but there are hundreds of websites dealing with cat care. How can you make your website unique? You decide that your website will focus on some special interest that you have.
It turns out that you are also a vegetarian. So you decide to create a website to teach and help people who want to feed their cats a vegetarian diet. This is loony but as I said, crazy is good. Sure enough, you’ll find more than 4 million results on Google when searching “vegetarian cat food.”
Or you could devote your website to communicating with your cat telepathically. This is both crazy and embarrassing (or it should be), but it will certainly give your website a USP.
Not every USP sells. You will discover that later in the process—when you test your website.
Step Four
After you have chosen your topic and its USP, it’s time to choose a domain name. A domain name is basically your Internet address. For example, our domain name is
It’s very simple to create a domain name. All you need to do is go to a website like godaddy, type in the name of the site you’d like, and godaddy will let you know if it’s available and for how much it costs.
Step Five
Once you choose a domain name, you can start setting up your website. A content management system (CMS) makes this possible. It also allows you to design, publish, and update your content seamlessly.
This used to be difficult and expensive. But thanks to sites like SiteBuildIt! and WordPress, it’s simple for non-techies to do. And affordable too.
For example, SiteBuildIt! makes it easy for anyone to set up, manage, and maintain and monetize a website—without having a degree in website development. You pick a template you think best suits your website and then start filling it in. All this in one place for $30 or less each month.
Step Six
Now it’s time to fill up your website with content. It needs to be chock full of facts, statistics, articles, reviews, and, most importantly, insights and opinions. It needs to show the universe of prospects that you have something useful and unique to offer.
Here are a few steps to help you get started:
  1. Determine your audience. Are they beginners, experts, or somewhere in between?
  2. Choose a point of view. You’re an expert, and that’s why we should listen to you. Maybe you’re an amateur with a few years of experience. Or you’re just like the reader and want to share your journey with them as you learn about your specific niche.
  3. Remember why people are on your site, what their needs are, what questions they may be looking for answers to. Most people will come to your website in search of the answer to a particular question.
  4. Find content ideas by using Google Alerts, Google Insights, and Google Trends. Follow related blogs, check out customer reviews, and browse newspapers and best-selling books.
  5. Immerse yourself in social media. This not only is a great way to find inspiration for content ideas but can also tell you which aspects of your topic people get the most passionate and enthusiastic about. (Once your website is published, you can get a ton of visitors through social media too.)
  6. Write your own content—you can get inspiration from all the sources I mentioned above, but writing it in your own style with your own unique perspective is what will keep readers coming back.
  7. Develop your own unique voice. This will make you stand out from your competitors.
  8. Keep your writing style simple. Use short sentences and paragraphs with simple words.
  9. Keep all your content on-topic, and optimize all your pages to get the highest possible listings in the search results.
This may sound like a challenging task, but let me assure you, it’s not. The content management systems I mentioned earlier, such as SiteBuildIt!, offer tools to maximize your search results by utilizing keywords and other strategies.
How You’ll Make Money With Websites
How much money can you make with a website for enthusiasts?
There’s really no typical or standard answer to this question. There are websites that make millions of dollars per month and there are those that bring in just a few hundred dollars.
Since this is an extra income opportunity and not a full-time business, our marketing plan is designed to bring in hundreds or thousands of dollars, not millions. But the great thing about this kind of website is that once you get it going, it becomes relatively easy to gradually grow it without working terribly hard.
Remember Nancy Hearn? She spends just 4-5 hours per week on her website about drinking water. Spending this little amount of time will eventually bring in $3,000 per month, she believes.
Once you have your website set up and the content on your topic loaded, the two best ways to generate money from your site are:
  1. Selling affiliate products
  2. Selling your own products
Affiliate marketing is where you sign up as an affiliate with an online merchant or network of merchants. You link to its product sales pages from your site, using a unique affiliate link.
If someone clicks on your link and goes on to complete a purchase at the merchant website, you get a percentage of the sale price.
Depending on the nature of the product or service, this commission can range from 10-75% (or more!). In some cases (we do this at PBL), the fee can be 80% or more!
Nick has averaged about $2,000 per month with just one affiliate partner on his coffee website.
Lastly, you can offer your own products or services. You can sell physical products if you want, but that involves trips to the post office. If you want to stick with the passive income model, you simply sell e-products, such as e-books and guides.
These are purchased through your site, and then the payment and delivery process is automatic. So even while you’re away on vacation, your site will continue to display, sell, and collect money through e-product sales.
On her website about raising rabbits, Karen Patry makes good money selling a series of e-books on the various aspects of keeping and taking care of rabbits.
Once It’s up and Running
Let’s review the benefits of having your own moneymaking website for enthusiasts:
  1. It’s inexpensive and relatively easy to set up.
  2. Your reach is national or even international.
  3. You don’t have to be an expert, just an enthusiast.
  4. You can do it part time when you want from your home.
  5. Every page you publish can make you money indefinitely.
  6. You’re building a long-term asset.
Moneymaking Websites Versus Blogging
You may be wondering what is the difference between a moneymaking website and a blog—the extra income opportunity I introduced in a previous essay.
In many ways, they are the same. You write about something that interests you. You develop readers and followers. And you advertise products and services to those readers.
One big difference is that for the most part a blog tends to be tied to its writer. And because a blog is all about the writer, it’s not a very easily sellable asset.
But a website can become a very valuable and sellable asset. In fact, Nick once turned down an offer of over $100,000 for his site.
Why would someone offer to buy his website?
His website is focused on the brand, Coffee Detective, not Nick Usborne. In other words, even if he sells the website it doesn’t affect the market… consumers will be interested in coffee whether it’s Nick writing about it or someone else who shares the same passion and enthusiasm.
You might wonder why Nick refused that six-figure offer. After all, that’s a pretty nice chunk of cash for what is essentially his hobby. Well, he simply did the math and figured out his site would make him a lot more than $100,000 over the next few years.
Besides which, Nick sees his coffee website as an important part of his retirement planning. When he retires, he wants a “portfolio” of websites that continue to deliver passive income, month after month and year after year.
That said, there may come a day when he does want to cash in and sell the site. And because his site is a stand-alone brand, he can do that.
Plus, blogging can be more of a JOB. To keep readers interested in your blog, you’ll typically need to add a new post at least twice a week, preferably every day. This means you have to stick to a publication schedule and be at your desk.
And remember, blogs attract comments—or at least the good ones do—and as the writer and publisher, you need to be around to respond to those comments.
A moneymaking website is not a job. You can work on it every day if you want. But you can also take a break for a week or two. Nick tends to work on his moneymaking websites in bursts, when he has the time.
And when he goes on vacation for 10 days, that’s fine… the site will look after itself. Not fine if it were a blog.
Does that mean blogging is bad? No, not at all. If you love to write and have no problems writing a few times per week, blogging is for you and you can make great money.
But if you’re looking to create an asset that generates passive income, moneymaking websites could be exactly what you are looking for.

Are You Ready to Start Your Own Moneymaking Website? 
Someone once said, “The best time to launch your new website is five years ago. The second best time is now.”$

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Make $4,000 Each Month by Taking Your “Hobby” Online (Part 1)

Before the Internet, breaking into a new business was mostly a local affair. You got an idea, created a product, and tried to sell it in your own backyard. If it worked, you could expand outside your local market.
Eventually, if you were very good and somewhat lucky, you could have a national or even an international enterprise.
Today, the Internet gives you the chance to market internationally—from day one.
Take the idea of selling inexpensive Chinese goods to customers in the U.S., for example.
Prior to the Internet, this was a tough business to get going. You’d have to travel to China, negotiate deals with wholesalers, find a trustworthy shipper, get an importer’s license, and then find a market to sell your products back home.
That would involve beginning in your local market and then gradually expanding, if you were good and successful, to a regional and then a national level. Today, you can do all that in two steps. Buy the goods you want from the sites we recommend and then sell them on eBay or through some other Internet venue.
A recent income opportunity we discussed was blogging. Blogging is a great way for writers to make extra income by developing an Internet audience and then attaching advertising to their essays or websites.
Today’s opportunity is like the blogging model in the sense that it takes advantage of a website and monetizing the attention of your visitors. But the big difference is you don’t have to stick to a regular publication schedule, as you do when posting to a blog.
A moneymaking website delivers a truly PASSIVE source of income. You add new content to your site as and when you want to. No schedule… no JOB.
The main thing you need is enthusiasm for something that other people are enthused about too. That could be knitting or gardening or cooking or motorcycle maintenance or pet care or coin collecting or brewing beer—the list is endless. The main idea is that it should be a hobby or activity that people get passionate about.
For the purpose of identifying what I’m talking about here, let’s call this kind of opportunity moneymaking websites for enthusiasts.
From Passion to Paycheck
Let me give you a good example. It comes from Nick Usborne, a guy I’ve known for many years. One of Nick’s hobbies is coffee. (In fact, when he read my Living Rich report on “Drinking Like a Billionaire,” he sent me suggestions on how to improve the section on coffee.)
In 2006, Nick was making a good living as a copywriter but he was spending almost as much as he was making. He realized that to get ahead he needed to create a second income stream. And what he really wanted was a passive income stream.
He decided to start a website on something he enjoyed and loved—coffee!
Nick wasn’t an expert on coffee by any means, but he knew more about it than the average Starbucks customer. He also knew that coffee was a big, international business.
[Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world, with more than 400 billion cups drank each day. It’s the second-most-traded commodity in the world. And in just the U.S. alone, the coffee industry is valued at $19 billion each year.]
He did a quick search on the Internet and found there were already several seemingly successful websites talking about coffee, such as coffeeview and coffeeuniverse.
These sites were comprehensive, but because he had a copywriting background Nick knew that being comprehensive was not always a great thing. Sites that provide a great deal of general information can attract a lot of eyeballs, but sites that have authority and offer opinions are usually more effective at attracting buyers.
Further research identified a dozen more targeted sites that appealed to the connoisseur. Nick’s idea was to create a site that would be more specific and opinionated than the big data-oriented sites, but also more accessible and friendly than the sites for coffee snobs.
He called his site coffeedetective.
Coffee Detective was an instant success for Nick. It didn’t make a fortune, but it did well enough to encourage him to start a few more. Each website took a little while to get going, but once it was up and running the workload dropped dramatically.
Today Nick has several websites that bring him a monthly income of up to $4,000, although he’s made as much as $7,877 in a single month.
Since he started in 2006, he’s made more than $200,000 in passive income from his websites for enthusiasts. And he never works more than a few hours per week!
Is a Moneymaking Website for Enthusiasts a Good
Extra Income Opportunity?
When we introduced the Extra Income Project, we promised to show you dozens of ways to generate more cash… without having to leave your job, spend a lot of startup money, or kill yourself working long hours.
Every extra income opportunity we have presented to you so far has had to meet certain criteria.
These criteria include:
  • Anyone should be able do it (it’s easy and simple to understand)
  • You should be able to start it from home
  • You could work part-time or on weekends
  • You could begin without investing a ton of money.
A moneymaking website for enthusiasts fits the bill. You can start part-time with a few hours of effort per week. You can get started for as little as $100. And you don’t need to be a computer geek or Web expert to do it.
As I said, Nick’s Coffee Detective is just one example of a moneymaking website for enthusiasts. There are thousands of other examples among hundreds of topics.
Take Lisa Irby, for example. She has a passion for fitness. It started as a personal challenge to find the best ways of flattening her stomach. As a result, Lisa became somewhat of an expert on keeping her stomach flat.
This inspired her to start her own website, called Flat Stomach Exercises. She wanted to help other people battling the same problems she had. She says her website gets about 6,500 visitors per day and brings in four figures per month.
Another guy, Tomaz Mencinger, has been working in tennis clubs and academies for around 10 years. He loves to teach people everything he knows about tennis. So in 2005 he decided to create a website about his passion, called FeelTennis. Now he’s able to reach thousands of people rather than just a few on the court each day.
Then we have Sara Ding. In her early 30s, she was struggling with short-term memory loss, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, and low blood pressure.
Sara was experiencing all of these health problems due to malnutrition caused by a poor diet. During her research to find out the best way to get her body the nutrients it needed, she discovered juicing. She became very enthusiastic about juicing and decided to launch her own website about it, juicing-for-health.
Today, not only is she healthy, but she doesn’t have to worry about her finances anymore, either.
These websites are real. The money is real. And regular people like you and me are behind them.
If this piques your interest let me walk you through the process of setting up your own enthusiast website.
But before we do that… let me ask you a question. Did you notice how all of the examples above are about people who really enjoy writing on the topics they have chosen?
In fact, they would probably write these sites without any expectation of making money. These are topics they are truly enthusiastic about. This is a game-changer when it comes to making a passive income—because you get to make thousands of dollars extra each month, but without the feeling that you are “working.”
Anyone Can Do This
You don’t have to be a world-class expert to start an enthusiast website. All you need is passion, persistence, and the knowledge of how this business model works. You simply supply the passion and persistence. We will give you the knowledge of how this market works and step-by-step instructions on getting started. Here’s how you can get started today.
[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Develop a Money Mindset

man observes evergreens growing along the roadside and thinks that they look pretty, covered with snow. Another man sees the same trees and thinks, “These trees would look good in people’s living rooms at Christmas. I wonder what they would pay for them?”
The first man has an ordinary mind. The second, the mind of a natural-born moneymaker.
In The Prime Movers, Edwin A. Locke provides some interesting insights into the way moneymakers think:
He argues that an active, inquisitive mind is a hallmark of the successful entrepreneur. The most successful entrepreneurs in history, he says, had this sort of mind.
  • Thomas Edison: He was a “virtual thinking machine. Almost until the day he died, his mind poured forth a torrent of ideas, and he might track as many as 60 experiments at a time in his laboratory.”
  • Steve Jobs: He bombarded people with his ideas – his investors, his board of directors, his customers, his subordinates, and his CEO.
  • Henry Ford: “He threw himself into every detail, insisting on getting small things absolutely right… But he never lost sight of the ultimate, overall objection. He had a vision of what his new car (the Model T) should look like. From all the improvisation, hard thought, and hard work came a machine that was at once the simplest and the most sophisticated automobile built to date anywhere in the world.”
Take my friend Sergey…
I have a friend, an émigré from Kharkiv Ukraine, who has this kind of moneymaking mind. I have known him for more than ten years. During that time he has started at least a dozen successful companies. Every company he forms, it seems, becomes successful very quickly. He has become a wealthy man and enjoys a wealthy man’s lifestyle, but his interest in making money has never waned.
In that respect he is very different from me. I am building my wealth by making plans and working my ass off. And once I make more than I need, I will stop paying attention to it.
He made his money effortlessly. Or so it always seemed. And he continues to make money because he really enjoys the process.
He makes money not just by starting successful businesses and investing in real estate (my secondary vehicles) but by buying and selling exotic cars, boats, antiques and expensive watches. Every time I see him he is driving a new car. One month it’s a Bentley. The next month it’s a Ferrari. He buys slightly used cars and enjoys them and then turns them over for a profit. He has become an expert in barter and countertrade. He never pays full price for anything. He knows how to get the best price for everything. And he loves the game.
Sergey may not have the highest net worth, but he’s got more than enough for the rest of his life and he seems to enjoy making money much more than most.
I admire that about him. I like talking to him about all his recent deals. His excitement gets me excited. It also embarrasses me when I discover that he pays a fraction of what I pay for just about everything.
What if you don’t have the Mind?
I have another friend, Sal, who used to be my partner. He was making $400,000 a year when he suddenly sold his business and retired. Today he makes a living teaching meditation. His income is modest, but he lives in a beautiful house, belongs to a private yacht club and takes vacations every two months.
Like Sergey, Sal enjoys his life. He works when he wants to, rests when he wants to and enjoys the best that life has to offer.
Sal’s secret is that he knows how to buy the best of everything for pennies on the dollar. I am always amazed at how he and his wife can meet us in Chicago, Panama or Nassau, stay at fine hotels and do everything we do but on a budget.
I’m convinced that Sergey and Sal both have very special minds. Like Edison, Jobs and Ford, they think differently than I do.
Raw intelligence is not the issue. These guys are smart but don’t think they are any smarter than I am. And anyway, if it were a matter of intelligence, Einstein and a slew of other geniuses would have been wealthy men.
I call what Sergey and Sal have the multimillionaire’s mindset. I’ve also called it the Rich Mind.
This is the first of several essays I’ll be writing on this point: how to think like a multimillionaire.
And here’s the goal: to discover exactly how they do what they do by figuring out how they think. If you study this and subsequent essays seriously – and implement the suggestions I’ll be making – you may be able to “upgrade” your brain to one that will allow you to have the kind of life they enjoy.
I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for myself. I’ve mastered one part of the equation: making money through entrepreneurship. But the other part – enjoying a multimillionaire’s lifestyle on a limited budget – has so far eluded me.
Some Preliminary Observations
To get started, here are some observations I’ve made from studying my two friends and from reading about great wealth builders like Jobs and Edison and Ford.
1. A “normal” person is concerned with protecting his ego. When dealing with a problem he doesn’t really understand, he pretends he understands the contributing factors and doesn’t try to find out what anyone else thinks. A person with a multimillionaire mind asks questions inces-santly. He has no ego when it comes to learning. He knows that knowledge is power.
2. A “normal” person has a consumer mentality. He looks at a hot new product and thinks about how he would like to own one. A person with a multimillionaire mind has an entrepreneurial men-tality. He looks at it and thinks, “How can I produce this or something similar in my own industry?”
3. A “normal” person is wish-focused. He daydreams about making gobs of money. A person with a multimillionaire mind is reality-based. He is always analyzing his own success and the success of others and wondering how he could learn from it.
4. A “normal” person, when confronted with a challenging idea, thinks of all the reasons why it might not work. A person with a multimillionaire mind sees the potential in it and disregards the problems until he has a clear vision of how it might succeed.
5. A “normal” person resists change. A person with a multimillionaire mind embraces it.
6. A “normal” person accepts the status quo. A person with a multimillionaire mind is always looking to make things – even good things – better.
7. A “normal” person reacts. A person with a multimillionaire mind is proactive.
8. A “normal” person looks at a successful business owner and thinks, “That guy’s lucky.” Or “That guy’s a shyster.” A person with a multimillionaire mind thinks, “What’s his secret?” And, “How can I do that?”
Most importantly, a person with a multimillionaire’s mind likes living like a multimillionaire. He doesn’t shortchange himself when it comes to comfort and luxury. Rather than believing always that pain leads to gain, he thinks, “If I’m smart I can have my cake and eat it too.
You can start your mental transformation by studying this list and assessing your own impulses. Be honest. Identify the habits you don’t have and try to develop them. Rather than think of this process as work, think of it as fun.$

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Thursday, July 23, 2015

10 Ways to Improve Your Finances with Social Media


Twitter can make it easier to lodge a customer service complaint, and LinkedIn can help you land a new job. Facebook friends can offer encouragement when you share progress toward goals, and you can collect inspiring images of what you’re saving for on Pinterest. There are all sorts of ways social media can give your finances a boost – but there are also some dangers to avoid.


If you freelance and are looking to pick up new clients, then you can use your Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn pages to describe the services you have to offer. Similarly, a fleshed out LinkedIn profile with examples of your work, recommendations from co-workers and any honors you’ve received can help you land a new (and higher-paying) job.


Before Donna Karan spokeswoman Aliza Licht ever started writing her book, “Leave Your Mark,” she began tweeting career tips for young people in public relations using the hashtag #PR101. As a result of the outpouring of interaction she received over Twitter, she turned her ideas into a book – just one way social media posts can lead to offline opportunities.


Without giving away details that are too personal, you can share goals with your friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter. If you want to pay off student loan debt, you can let people know, especially if it means they’ll gently keep you on track by not asking you to go out to an expensive dinner with them. Sharing savings goals with friends can make it easier to keep them.


Instead of waiting on hold when you call up customer service by phone, consider sending a tweet first. Many retailers, banks and other customer-facing companies have customer service representatives on social media, ready to respond. The response might involve a direct message or communicating offline to avoid sharing personal information, like an account number, publicly.


Banks are increasingly using social media to communicate with customers, and it’s often the first outlet for sharing news about new products or deals. Following your financial institution through social media can help ensure you know what’s going on at your bank.


Apps from Wish to Blinq make it easy to browse products, get deals and share thoughts – or desired items – with friends. Retailers often announce their sales first through social media so their followers and fans get the early deals. Just make sure you’re not oversharing – if you’re making purchases you don’t want the world to know about, then avoid sharing them on Facebook.


Tweeting at someone you admire in your field, retweeting a co-worker’s thoughts or following professionals you look up to are all great ways to network. It’s less time-consuming than in-person get-togethers, and networking over social media has the advantage of potentially being less awkward, too. Plus, you can communicate with people who are based around the world from your desktop (or phone).


If someone fraudulently logs into your Facebook account, he or she could collect a lot of personal details about you and potentially use that information to defraud your friends or log into your bank account. To reduce the chance of becoming a victim, use strong passwords and turn on two-step authentication when possible.


Posting vacation photos while you’re away lets potential thieves know that no one’s currently home; sharing details like your wedding anniversary can give someone the answer to a security question that makes it easier to log into a financial account. Avoid sharing too much personal information, turn up privacy settings and don’t accept friend requests from strangers.


To keep your accounts safe even after death, Facebook allows you to appoint someone to manage your accounts after you pass away. Other social media platforms offer different options, including setting your account to delete or freeze. Consider reviewing your current settings to make sure they reflect your preferences – and you might want to tell one trusted person where to find your passwords.
[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]