Saturday, October 31, 2015

An Important Marketing Lesson From a Hot Dog Stand

While looking to grab a quick bite to eat in Chicago a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across a marketing lesson in the strangest of places: the Wiener’s Circle in Lincoln Park. The Wiener's Circle is famous for four things: its signature Maxwell Street Char-dogs, hamburgers, cheese fries, and the mutual verbal abuse between the employees and the customers during the late-weekend hours.
Wiener’s Circle is a hot dog stand that’s normal during the day but gets wild at night. It’s utter chaos. The girls behind the counter harass and crack jokes at their customers’ expense. Give it to them, and they’ll give it right back five times as hard. I couldn’t stop laughing. If you don’t know what to expect, you’ll be shocked by what you hear. (Look them up on or for the scoop.)
The BIG marketing lesson, here, is about creating a truly unique experience for your customers. Do so, and you’ll inspire word-of-mouth about your business that will attract people from far and wide.
There are hundreds of hot dog stands in Chicago, but several people told me that I had to check out this one. Yes, the hot dogs at Wiener’s Circle are good – but not better than some others I’ve had. But the craziness… now that’s worth the trip.
What are you doing to get people talking about your business?

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.

This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Real Estate Investing: Know Your Limitations

There are many investors who enter the industry working as a tradesman on properties. More often than not, they take their situation for granted. In their heads, they can cut a huge chunk off the rehab budget by conducting the work themselves. What they don’t realize is that just doing the work is not enough. Renters and buyers will look at every inch of a property they are going to live in and if the quality of the work is substandard, they will move on to the next property. Preforming minor upgrades is fine, but for big projects leave the work to the professionals.
It is almost impossible to be a master of every trade that is required to rehab a house. You may be well-versed in the electrical field, but what about painting, flooring and roofing? Many people can adequately throw some paint on a wall of their basement, but that doesn’t make them qualified to paint a living room. Buyers will notice every splatter of paint on the baseboard or on the ceiling. Even if they can get past a poorly painted room, this will lead them to look at every other room more closely. Who knows what they will find?
For every item that you can handle yourself, there is something you are giving up. Once you start attempting to do all of the work yourself, you basically stop looking for other properties. If you are working on your rehab for 12 hours a day, that leaves you very little time to work on new deals. You may be able to save some money on the labor, but you are now going all in on the property you are working on. If everything is not top notch and you don’t make as much as you thought, you are back to square one and you may have missed out on some terrific opportunities.
In addition to the time factor, you have to think long term about your property aspirations. To get top dollar, buyers will look at everything on the property. From the floor to the ceiling to the walls to the roof, your work must be perfect. If you don’t think you can do the job, get someone that can. The money you pay will come back to you two or threefold when you sell or rent the house. What you never want to do with your properties is to go backwards. The cost to have work redone and the time spent and lost is not worth it.
There is nothing that says you can’t do what your trade is on the house. If you are a painter, paint. If you are a roofer, roof. However, you need to understand your limits. Over time, you will gain knowledge and expertise on each different area, but until then, leave specific work to those who know how to do it. If you think you can just do the work in your spare time or on weekends, you will find that it will take longer and cost more. You will end up doing the work just to get it done.
There are plenty of ways to sharpen the pencil with your properties, but doing your own work shouldn’t be one of them. Leave the comprehensive work to the professionals.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.

This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

How to Be a Successful Closer

Everybody negotiates all the time. It’s part of everyday life. But most people just don’t have what it takes when it comes to getting the best personal outcome. They get jittery. They squirm. Some are stretched so far beyond their comfort zone they can literally feel ill.
But in business being able to successfully close deals makes the difference between winning and losing; between building a career or getting fired. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a corporate manager or in sales you need to always know how to negotiate from a position of strength. If you need something from the other guy, you’ve already lost. People want what they can’t have. Become the thing people want.
If it doesn’t come naturally, the good news is that it’s a skill that can be acquired. So let me give you some of my basic tips that will make you a successful closer.
1) The Power of Persuasion & Passion
First of all, a passionate belief in your product or service gets you a long way. Customers aren’t dumb. They can tell when you have sincere conviction, or whether you’re just trying to hoodwink them with some slick sales patter you’ve been taught. As Vince Lombardi once said, “If you’re not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.” You also need to have a passionate desire to close the sale. You have to really want it! Passion is the fire that comes from within and persuasion is a form of art that feed off each other. And, if your passion bleeds what you want to sell, your art of persuasion can turn each deal into a masterpiece.
2) Give and Take
To achieve your ultimate goal and successfully close any deal, there’s always going to be some give and take. In any negotiation when you’re getting what you want, you need to be seen to be giving something in return. You should make sure that giving something gets you a step nearer to getting the deal on your terms. The art in this step, is in knowing what you’re giving up – you will make up 10X on what you’re trying to receive.
3) Keep It Simple
Don’t over-complicate the terms of a deal. The simpler you can keep an arrangement, the easier it is to understand and the more likely it is that your prospect is going to say yes. Be straightforward. Be humble. Be likeable.
4) Ask Questions
The only way to find out what someone wants is to ask. And keep asking. People love to tell you about themselves and their requirements. But even more importantly you can use questions to solicit affirmative responses. Get them to keep saying ‘yes’ to points that you make and at the end of that discussion, you’ll realize you’ve already got the order – because the idea of the sale is theirs not yours.
5) Don’t Argue
There’s an old saying that’s very true: if you win the argument you lose the sale. Yes, you feel passionately about your product or service and your potential customer has said something completely ridiculous. But it doesn’t serve any useful purpose to get into an argument about it. Sometimes, I have to bite my tongue. But, I never lose my cool. I try to educate, I remain calm and never argue or become controversial. Keep it light. Another approach is to move on to discuss an area where you can agree on something.
6) Don’t Get Angry
Even worse than getting into an argument is getting mad. That’s a surefire way to lose the deal. If you can keep your cool you can keep your deal. Don’t take it personally. If you can stay calm and composed; if you can present an amiable demeanor in spite of provocations you will gain a reputation of being someone pleasant to deal with, someone who will be recommended. People prefer to work with people who are open. Speak slowly but confidently. Don’t become loud, abrasive, or pushy. As I mentioned before: Confidence, Conviction and Charisma are everything in the Art of the Sale.
7) Name Dropping is OK
A good way to make someone feel comfortable with your proposition is to let them know that they’ll be in good company. Bring up names of mutual acquaintances or emphasize others with whom you’ve had a great working relationship. It will make them feel secure. But, don’t be a “Hollywood name dropper.” What I mean by that, don’t fake your way into who you know or who you do business with. Authenticity is one of the biggest assets and hardest things to find in any relationship. The minute someone can smell things aren’t true – they will walk for good.
8) Know When to Say Nothing
You can talk yourself out of a sale—if you’re not careful. Many inexperienced sales people babble on far too long about the benefits of their product, long after the customer has heard enough to make a buying decision. In talking so much they run the danger of raising topics or concerns that would never have occurred to the customer. So, the golden rule when you reach the point of closing the deal is this: say nothing. Stop talking. He who speaks next, loses. Resist the temptation to talk and talk—and your closing percentage will increase. Remember, your not selling a feature, a product, or anything tangible. You are selling opportunity. Once, they’ve been sold, wait for them to react.
9) Don’t Bad Mouth Your Competitors
Make it a rule never to bad mouth your competitors. Obviously, you can point out where your product has strengths and theirs has weaknesses. But there’s no need to say that what they have to offer is “garbage” in comparison. People tend to find it off-putting—to the point where you might score points but lose the game. Nobody wants to deal with negativity not backed by substance.
10) Be Fearless
Even if you’re quaking inside because this is a deal you can’t afford to lose—you can’t afford to show it. Put on a bold face. Do everything in your power not to show vulnerability. Fight to seem relaxed and confident. Don’t hurry the conversation and don’t push too hard because you may well get push back. And if you don’t get this deal, don’t beat yourself up. Move on to the next target.
Bonus Tip: Don’t Take No For An Answer
A good closer persists in trying to turn a no into a yes. He finds a way to revisit areas of contention and rephrase his sales points. It’s not being rude or overbearing. You can be polite and persistent. It’s an indication that you truly believe in what you have to offer. Keep confidently moving forward and enough people (not all) will say yes. I’ve always considered the definition of “No” to be “no right now.” You’ll get another chance. And, if you follow the right steps – it will happen in due time. That’s why it’s even more important to never sour any relationship. Otherwise, you will never know when that “No” could’ve ultimately been a “Yes”.
All of the above points lead up to the final, extremely important one: it needs to be a win-win. Not only should you walk away feeling happy but so should the other person. That’s the only viable outcome for long-term success.
And, finally, relationships are everything in life. Whether in personal or business – they define how successful we will become. You foster them and they grow with you. But, never burn a bridge, no matter what the circumstances are; because you want to have that last laugh and the sale.
So, take the advice of that late great comedian, Jimmy Durante: “Be nice to people on the way up because you will probably meet them on the way down.”$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.

This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Friday, October 30, 2015

Real Estate Investing: Cash To Closing

Trying to break down exactly how much money you need at closing can be a difficult task. Despite increased mortgage regulations, cash to closing is often an ambiguous aspect associated with every deal. That is not to say that mortgage brokers or lenders are misleading with their fees, but the vast amount of each fee is often unknown. In addition to lending fees, there are property and insurance escrows that have to be accounted for. After all is said and done, what you think you need and what you actually need can potentially be off by thousands.
There is a difference between a fee and an expense. All of these are broken down on a good faith estimate or a proposed HUD settlement statement, but you should know the difference. Closing costs to your mortgage company, attorney or lender are considered fees. Conversely, prepaid taxes and insurance are both considered to be expenses. The difference is that fees may be negotiated and shopped around while your taxes are dictated by the town and fixed. As excessive as it may seem to have these expenses, they are yours and you cannot live in the house without them.
The issue that most buyers have is that they are prepaying for these items. If you want to escrow your taxes and insurance, your lender will need to hold it anywhere from two to six months to establish the escrow account. They will pay these items for you, but they never want to get caught in a situation where your taxes or insurances increases and they are short money. You will get any overages at the end of the year, but what usually happens is that they roll this money over into the account for the next year. You will end up getting that money back when you sell, but who knows when that will be.
As far as direct closing costs; you have various lender fees, an appraisal fee, attorney fees, title search, title insurance and miscellaneous recording fees. Since the mortgage industry revamped how they disclose loans in order to prevent against fraud and deception, the documents must be resubmitted and there is a three day waiting period. This has helped buyers understand what they are being charged and has eliminated fees being added at closing.
It sounds simple enough, but if you don’t understand where the fees on the estimate are going, ask your broker or lender to break them down for you. If there are fees added on that weren’t on the original estimate, notify your attorney and do not sign anything. Most of the fees today are based on the insurance or property taxes being adjusted to the exact date you close. That being said, there are still some unscrupulous people in the mortgage industry. If you aren’t comfortable, ask your attorney or realtor for clarification.
Mortgage closing costs and property escrows can add up very quickly. Before you make an offer, get an estimate in writing from whomever you are getting your mortgage from. The amount may shock you, but with today’s rules you should feel comfortable that any estimate you get today should be within 10% from what you will actually need at closing.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.

This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Thursday, October 29, 2015

7 Secrets To Get Rich

 There’s a small, easy-to-read book that holds the secrets to getting rich. It’s much better than The Millionaire Next Door and a lot simpler than The Secrets to the Rockefeller Habits.
This little book can be read in about 90 minutes and will give you 7 proven secrets to getting rich. You really should read the book…but I’m going to reveal the 7 secrets today…
In The Richest Man in Town, the author interviews the richest person in 50 of America’s largest cities, and they give a no-fluff account of the traits that allowed them to get incredibly wealthy. They include…
1. Owning their own business (“stop working for the man as soon as you can,” they all said).
2. Working a lot (at least 60 hours per week).
3. Focusing on VALUE creation, not making money.
4. Focusing on unique talents and abilities and delegating everything else.
5. Partnering only with those who bring something critical to the table.
6. Getting addicted to ambition.
7. Persistence. Never giving up. In fact, most of them believe that persistence is the ONLY reason they have gotten farther ahead in life than other people. Not talent. Not luck. But simple persistence.
Keep on pushing on!$
PS – Be a Go-Giver <= Secret #8

PPS – Get a mentor <= Secret #9 

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.

This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Real Estate Investing: Beware Of Holding Costs

If you are looking to preform any real estate flips, you need to be aware of all the associated costs. What may look like a great deal on paper can turn out poorly, especially once you add up all of the holding costs that may coincide with the property. Interest, taxes, insurance, water, sewer and electric are just some of the costs that you are responsible for after you take ownership of the property. As the months go by without selling, these costs add up and will continue to eat away at your profits until the property is sold.
In general, a holding cost is anything that you have to pay to keep the house running as the owner. You need to keep the power on and the water flowing if you are doing repairs or you want to show the property. You need to pay for insurance, taxes and mortgage interest if you want to retain ownership. Without sounding too repetitive, time is literally money in this situation. You need to sell as quickly as possible to secure maximum profit.
It is important not to combine closing costs and holding costs. They are both costs you will incur, but closing costs are one-time costs while holding costs start from the time you take ownership until the time you sell. Seasonal costs, such as lawn maintenance or snow removal, may also be added to your budget depending on where you live. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to avoid or lower these costs once they start. The best remedy is to get in and get out of the property as fast as you can. This is easier said than done, but once you realize all of the cost involved and know that you are on the clock, you will do everything possible to speed the process along.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

The Very Important Relationship Between Income and Quality of Life

How Much Money Do You Have to Make to Enjoy a Really Good Life?
“In terms of quality of life,” my accountant told me 20 years ago, “there are really only two income levels: less than a hundred grand per year and more than a hundred grand.”
A hundred grand back then would be worth $250,000 today. So let’s use $250,000 as our dividing line now—the “income barrier” you would have to break through today in order to enjoy the best quality of life that money can buy.
This is an income based on a family of four. For single people, couples, and one-child families, it could be lower. And it would vary somewhat depending on your location. For example, it costs a great deal more to live in New York City than it does in Boise, Idaho.
That said, $250,000 is a good target number for us to work with as an illustration of how your quality of life might change as your income rises.
Income Level 1: You’re making less than $50,000.
For a family of four with a household income of less than $50,000, life is tough. You are renting a crappy apartment or dilapidated house, driving a car that breaks down regularly, clipping grocery coupons (if not food stamps), and accumulating debt. Debt is always a huge, omnipresent problem because—for some incomprehensible reason—credit has been extended to you.
Income Level 2: You’re making $50,000-70,000.
You are living in a small but decent place and driving an okay car. But you are struggling to pay your bills on time. You are trying to save money, but “emergencies” keep eating it up.
Income Level 3: You’re making $70,000-120,000.
You are living in a nice house, driving a nice car, and paying your bills on time. You want to save a decent percentage of your income, but to do that you have to forgo regular dining out and nice vacations.
Income Level 4: You’re making $120,000-250,000.
Things are good. Your house is not showy, but you have everything you need… and a lot of what you want. You can drive a luxury car, but you may prefer to drive something more sensible. As you move up in this income range, you can go out to dinner whenever you like and take a nice vacation every year. Debt is manageable, even minimal. You’re putting money away for the kids’ college education and for retirement. You expect to be able to retire at 65.
Income Level 5: You’re making more than $250,000.
You’ve got it all: a nice house, luxury cars, dinners out, very nice vacations, and a growing savings account. In other words, a financially worry-free life. If you are smart with your spending, you can retire early.
Income Level 6: You’re making millions!
You can pretty much buy whatever you want without worrying about the cost. You’re happy and comfortable—but no happier or more comfortable than when you were making $250,000.
The takeaway is this: If you’re already earning more than $250,000, relax and enjoy it! If you’re making less than $250,000, take full advantage of the advice I give you each week to help you increase your income. 

Most of the popular books on generating income and creating wealth fall into one of two categories: books that talk about budgeting and saving (Suze Orman and David Bach), and books that talk about investing.
I’m not opposed to budgeting, and I’m a big fan of saving. But neither of these strategies is going to change your life if you are in the under-$250,000 income group.
Forget the four-hour workweek—it’s not going to happen. To get yourself to the next income level, you have to work overtime, get a second (part-time) job, or start your own home-based business.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Monday, October 26, 2015

Real Estate Investing: How Are You Networking Yourself?

Regardless of your current marketing and lead generation strategy, you need to do more if you want to maintain your current level of success. The best way to grow your business is by networking yourself and constantly meeting new people. Sure, you may be able to close a few deals by sending letters or mailings, but when times get tough you need to be able to rely on your network and contacts for new deals. How you cultivate existing contacts, or meet new ones, will go a long way in determining how long you will be in the business.
Fortunately, networking yourself at meetings and investment clubs provides limitless possibilities. Regardless of where you live, you can probably find a real estate investing meeting in your area. These meetings usually have a headlining speaker to learn from, but that is not the only reason you should go. There are also dozens of area investors, realtors, mortgage brokers and attorneys that typically attend. Bring lots of business cards, as you should introduce yourself and pass out a card to everyone you come in contact with. You never know when networking yourself may lead to the deal of a lifetime.
In addition to physical meetings, you can gain contacts through social media. Nothing replaces physical meetings, but connecting with someone on these sites should lead to a quick cup of coffee or lunch. People want to work with people they feel comfortable with. You gain trust by talking to people about what they think, like or want out of the business. The more you continue networking yourself, the more opportunities that will come your way.
If you are not already, you have to find time every week to market yourself and connect with others. Your business will thank you for it.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Sunday, October 25, 2015

How to Persuade Anyone in 10 Seconds

You’re on the most important elevator ride of your life. You have ten seconds to make the classic “elevator pitch”.
There are books about this. But don’t waste your time. They are all garbage.
I’ve been on both sides of this equation. I’ve had people pitching me.
The ideas below have worked for me in the hundreds of times I’ve had to be persuasive. Either in writing, or in person. In business and in friendships and in love. I hope variations on it can work for you. You decide.
A) Who Are You?
People want to know they are talking to a good, honest, reliable person that they can trust and perhaps even like, or love.
Yes, love.
They won’t love you by looking at your resume.
You have to do method acting. Imagine what your body would feel like if they already said “Yes” even before you open your mouth.
You would be standing up straight, smiling, palms open, ready to close the deal. You have to method act at the beginning of your pitch.
If you are slouched and your head is sticking out, your brain is not as well-connected to your nervous system. When you’re slouched over, not only are you not using the full potential of your brain, but you look untrustworthy.
B) Relax
Think about how you breathe when you are anxious and nervous.
I will tell you how I breathe: short, shallow breaths in my upper chest.
So do the reverse before a ten second pitch.
Breathe deep and in your stomach. Even three deep breaths in the stomach has been shown to totally relax the mind and body.
People sense this. Again, this builds trust and relaxes you.
Now, even though you haven’t said a single word, you’ve probably done the two most important things for persuading someone.
C) Uhhh. Yeah. Uhhh. Mmmm-Hmmm. Uh-Huh
I have a hard time with this. It seems natural to say, “yup” or “right” or “uh-huh” or whatever.
But here’s the facts: people perceive you as stupid when you do this.
Just keep quiet when someone is talking.
Then, when someone is done speaking, wait for two seconds before responding. They might not be done yet. And it gives you time to think of a response. If you are thinking of a response while they are talking, then you aren’t listening to them.
People unconsciously know when you are not listening to them. Then they say “no” to you.
D) The Four U’s
Finally, now we’re getting to the heart of the matter. The actual nuts and bolts of persuasion.
By the way, I’ve googled “the 4 U’s” and each time I get a different set of 4. So I’m going to use the 4 that have worked for me the best.
This is not BS. This is not a way to convince someone to do something they don’t want to do. This is a way for you to consolidate your vision into a sentence or two and then express it in a clear manner.
This is the way to bond and connect with another person’s needs instead of just your own wants.
You can use this in an elevator pitch, on a date, with your children, on your mother, whatever. But it works.
Think about these things when talking:
1. Urgency

Why the problem you solve is urgent to your demographic. For example: “I can never get a cab when it rains!”

2. Unique

Why is your solution unique: “We aggregate 100s of car services into one simple app. Nobody else does this.”

3. Useful

Why is your solution useful to the lives of the people you plan on selling to or deliver your message to: “We get you there on time.”

4. Ultra-Specific

This shows there is no fluff: “Our app knows where you are. Your credit card is pre-loaded. You hit a button and a car shows up in 4-5 minutes.”

Of course the example I give is for Uber but you can throw in any other example you want.

I’ll throw in a fifth “U”

5. User-friendly

In other words, make it as easy as possible for someone to say “yes”. Like a money back guarantee, for instance. Or a giveaway. Or higher equity. Or testimonials from people you both know. Etc.

Oh! And before I forget, a sixth “U”

6. Unquestionable Proof

This can be in the form of profits. Or some measurable statistic. Or testimonials. Or a good wing-man. Whatever it takes.
E) Desire
A lot of people say you have to satisfy the desires of the other person in order for them to say “yes”.
As much as we would like to think otherwise, people primarily act out of self-interest.
The less they know you, the more they will act out of self-interest because to do otherwise could potentially put them in danger. We all know that kids shouldn’t take candy from strangers.
In an elevator pitch, the investor is the kid, what you are asking is the candy, and you are the stranger. So their gut reflex, unless you make the candy super-sweet, is to say “no”.
So make sure you make your candy sweeter by sprinkling in their desires.
And what are their desires?
  • recognition
  • rejuvenation
  • relaxation
  • relief
  • religion
  • remuneration
  • results
  • revenge
  • romance
If you can help them solve these urgent problems or desires, then you they are more likely to say “yes” to you.
I don’t know what you are selling, but hopefully it’s not to satisfy their desire for revenge. But if it is, don’t do anything violent.
The one time I had to sell romance on an elevator I had to do three things: tell her life would be ok, make sure I knew her address and last name, and send her a teddy bear and flowers the next day.
But that’s for another story.
But first…
F) Objections
Everyone is going to have gut objections.
They’ve been approached 1000s of times before.
I will list them and then give solutions in parentheses:
  • No time
    (that’s ok. It’s on an elevator. So they have elevator-length time. The key here is to stand straight and act like someone who deserves to be listened to).
  • No interest
    (you solve this by accurately expressing the urgency of the problem)
  • No perceived difference
    (but you have your unique difference ready to go)
  • No belief
    (offer unquestionable proof that this works)
  • No decision
    (make their decision as user-friendly as possible)
  • With great power comes great responsibility.
Most people don’t have the power of persuasion. They mess up on each of the points I’ve outlined above. It takes practice and hard work.
But this is not just about persuasion. It’s about connection.
It’s about two people, who are probably strangers, reaching through physical and mental space and trying to understand each other and reach common ground.
It’s not about money. It’s not about the idea. It’s not about yes or no.
It’s about two people falling in love.$
[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…]

Your NOT to do List

Steve Jobs said, “I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”
Jack Dorsey said, “I’m most proud of the things we decided not to do.”
James Altucher wrote a book called, The Power Of NO.
Tim Cook said, “The hardest decisions we make are all the things not to work on.” Watch him explain in this interview.
There are things that…
…you must NOT do.
You must say NO to the things that don’t matter, such as…
– Starting a YouTube channel if you’re not going to go all in
– Starting a Facebook page for your online business before you have 2000 customers
– Writing blog posts for affiliates that won’t send you at least 50 sales
– Going to seminars that are not guaranteed to put 100x’s the investment back in your pocket
– Arguing online
– Getting caught up in the technical aspects of a) what you sell and b) how you sell it (i.e. website design)
– Working “in” your training business instead of working “on” systematizing it with Bedros
I could go on and on.
The Bottom Line:
We all have 168 hours in our week. You can’t afford to waste a minute, let alone an hour on the wrong projects. The key is to know what really matters.
You must be ruthless with your time. How you use your time will be the most important decision you make in your life. Choose wisely.
This life is not a dress rehearsal. <= #truth
Use these 5 factors to help you create your NOT-To-Do List because when it comes to making big breakthroughs, a NOT-To-Do list is just as important as your To-Do List.
  1.     Be clear about your goals.
  2.     Know what you are willing to do – and NOT willing to do – in order to succeed.
  3.     Know what you stand for and stick to it. Make no excuses, make no apologies.
  4.     You have big projects to finish in 2014 before the next Mastermind.
  5.     Be clear about your priorities and let nothing get in your way.
Get clarity of purpose and harness the Power of No,
“Regardless of what is going on around you, make the best of what is in your power.” – Epictetus

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…