Monday, November 29, 2010

Get Famous On Facebook In 60 Days

Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time: 6:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM MST / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST

For more time zones, please see the Time Zone Converter.

This is such an incredible story!

16 months ago 2 of my friends were broke,

struggling, living in the basement of a bar,

and had $40.00 between them.

Fast forward to today, and these 2 musicians

have a blog ranked in the top 30,000 websites

in the WORLD, they get over 1,000 unique

visitors to their websites PER DAY, and they've

made over 5-Figures in 7 Days!

And they did the majority of this damage with

the help of a little website called FaceBook!


They actually didn't even touch the "techie"

side of the internet. They used real PEOPLE

TO PEOPLE strategies that are simple, F*R*E*E,

and they work!

Want to see what they've been up to over

the past 16 months that has skyrocketed

their business to ultra-heights?

This Wednesday December 1st at 9 PM EST

they've agreed to share some of their insider

secrets with you completely F*R*E*E!

Crazy, eh?! But because of their big hearts

and commitment to helping networkers

get to the promised land, YOU get to benefit

in a VERY big way this week.

Register now and show up early.

This will undoubtedly sell out:

== >

This Wednesday, December 1st

9PM Eastern (5 GMT)

8PM Central

7PM Mountain

6PM Pacific

This training is going to be pure gold, and

can be directly responsible for you having

an amazing financial year in 2011. I hope you

get your seat before this thing sells out!


Ray Buckner

630-890-1458 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 630-890-1458 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

SKYPE: ray.buckner

****************** END COPY *****************

Click Here To Register For Your Webinar Seat Now!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Attracting A Starving Crowd

"In the end, you make your reputation and you have your success based upon credibility and being able to provide people who are really hungry for information what they want." Brit Hume

You've grasped the concept of Attraction Marketing. You've set up your Twitter, Facebook and Youtube accounts. Wow, you've even started blogging! Now, how do you create headlines and content that drive prospects to your site or capture page?

Well, the best way is to market exclusively to a "starving crowd."

A starving crowd not only wants the information you are offering -- it has an insatiable appetite for it. Therefore, even with a lot of players in the same market, we can all do well, because the market's demand is a bottomless pit.

In particular, there are three "starving crowd" markets that have an especially consistent demand for information: Hobbyists, Business Opportunity Seekers, and Moneymaking/Investing. We, as Better Networkers, are interested in Business Opportunity Seekers.

Business Opportunity Seekers

There is a voracious appetite for information on how to make money in your spare time, start a home-based business, change careers, or earn a living without having a job.

I believe business opportunity seekers can be divided into two groups.

The first group is doers. Doers are serious about changing their lives, and they actually pursue the course of action you recommend.

The second group is dreamers. Dreamers enjoy learning how to do what they want to do, yet take no action beyond reading about it.

You can't usually distinguish between these segments of your market, but you really don't have to -- because both consume an unending stream of information products.

Of course, there are other starving crowd niches for information marketers, including: self-help... relationships... sex... health and fitness... beauty... fashion... and weight loss. But hobbies, business opportunities, and moneymaking are by far the largest and most active.

One of the biggest mistakes beginning information marketers make is choosing, as their primary niche, a market that is not a starving crowd.

Without a starving crowd of buyers, you will always be fighting an uphill battle to peddle your info products. And you will be forever frustrated that your prospects aren't buying your valuable information when you know it's stuff they absolutely should have.

But people don't readily do what they should do -- or what you think is good for them. They are much more easily convinced to buy what they already want... rather than what you think they need.

So when you select a starving crowd -- like business opportunity seekers-- as your primary niche, you can sell your prospects the stuff they want... over and over again.$

[Ed. Note. Ray Buckner is dedicated to helping you take control of your financial future with a web-based business that you can operate from anywhere in the world – including a coffee shop, your kitchen table, or anywhere around the world where there is Internet access. Discover how you can achieve the American Dream and your financial independence here. You’ve never seen anything like this before.]

Monday, November 22, 2010

Word Of Mouth Marketing

Use Your Mouth

We have all heard of B-to-C (business-to-consumer) marketing. And we have all heard of B-to-B (business-to-business) marketing. We have even (more recently) heard of C-to-C (consumer-to-consumer) marketing. But what Word of Mouth Marketing explores is the new world of B-to-C-to-C marketing - business-to-consumer-to-consumer!

You may be thinking, "Word of mouth isn't a new concept. It's been going on forever. So what's the big deal?"

What's new is that word of mouth has evolved from anecdotal to actionable, from something that "just happens" to something you can influence. In fact, because we now have the tools and knowledge to work with it, word of mouth marketing has become the fastest-growing form of marketing.

Word of mouth is about authentic consumer conversation. That means marketers join in a conversation with their customers, participating in it but never manipulating, faking, or degrading its fundamental honesty in any way.

There are five T's to word of mouth marketing:

1. Talkers: Finding people who will talk about you

Talkers are any group of people who have enthusiasm and the connections to relay your message. Talkers are regular people, your best prospects/customers.

You just don't find talkers... you cultivate them. People talk about you for two reasons: They either had a very good experience with you or they had a very bad experience. Either way, by responding to their comments you can turn them into big marketers for your brand. Here's how to do it:

     •Acknowledge your mistakes. People appreciate honesty. If you make a mistake, do not try to sweep it under the rug. Instead, apologize to those affected, correct the problem and thank them for staying with you. You will be surpised by the number of people that you hear back from. They will not only thank you for correcting your mistake, but often they will tell you that they have since recommended your service to several people they know.

    •Acknowledge compliments. Many people think that if someone pays you a compliment, a response is not necessary. This could not be further from the truth. That person took the first step by making a comment. Now you need to seize the opportunity to turn her into a talker. You do this by replying to your customers' letters, e-mails, and forum postings.

     •Acknowledge your fans. Sometimes you can turn a person into a talker just by talking to them first. Look for signs of extreme enthusiasm. Look for prospects who frequently attend the events you sponsor, or who comment on your blog posts or tweets.

2. Topics: Giving people a reason to talk

All word of mouth starts with creating a message that spreads. In other words, with a good, clear idea that's easy to repeat.

Good topics are organic. They are based on the exceptional qualities that make your products stand out. They flow naturally from the products' attributes, without needing to be pushed by marketing.

3. Tools: Helping the message spread faster and further

Non info-publishing, info-marketing companies have been doing this for years. Dining establishments spread the word by handing out 2 for 1 coupons. Cosmetics companies give away free samples. Apartment complexes offer one month's free rent. Phone companies give you a $50 credit for referring a friend. And so on.

But with the Internet, it has never been faster, easier, or cheaper. Just think about it. How many times have you read something online and forwarded it to not just one or two friends, colleagues, or relatives but five or 10? And that's without any marketing push. If you have a "Forward to a Friend" or "Tell a Friend" button at the bottom of your e-mailed publication, you're adding exponential marketing power to it.

I love to find out what my prospects are saying, because it helps me better understand their needs. If you ask me, any company that believes in their products and employees will have forums. Forums not only facilitate communication, they increase accountability.

4. Taking Part: Joining the conversation

Once you have reached out to real people and encouraged them to talk, there is no turning back. You must join the conversation. You must reply to e-mails, accept comments on your blog, participate in the discussion board, answer the phone.

Joining the conversation is even more powerful when it is public. Publish readers' comments and questions. Understand that if one of your readers is struggling and takes the time to ask for help, you need to (1) acknowledge that and (2) share our advice with others who may be in the same situation.

Again, if your prospects are complimenting you, thank them. If prospects are saying negative things, find out why and fix the problem.

There is no better focus group than your prospects. Yes, you will get crazies every once in a while - and you may need to hire outside resources to communicate with them on your behalf. But, at the same time, you are earning the respect and recommendations of your prospects and building long-term lasting relationships with them... as long as you are helpful, truthful, thankful, and nice.

5. Tracking: Measuring and understanding what people are saying

Because of the popularity of blogs and online communities, people are writing down nearly every thought they have about your company. And because these B-to-C-to-C conversations are written down, they are easy to find and easy to track. You can find every comment about you and your company moments after it is written. And monitoring that online communication allows you to understand what your customers really think about you, your marketing, and your products.

There are wonderful online tools - such as Google Alert and Technorati - that can help you monitor your word of mouth. They are at your fingertips, and they are instant and free.

Start right now. Don't make any marketing decisions without considering the potential for word of mouth. Ad agencies, media executives, and reporters no longer control the message. Real consumers with real communication power have added their voices to the mix. And their voices are drowning out traditional media. A single consumer voice, in the end, has a huge impact on your future.

Word of mouth will become more and more important to my business as the Internet continues to expand. But I am still a firm believer in the importance of direct-response marketing. The best thing you can do for your brand is to successfully incorporate multiple methods into your overall marketing strategy. You'll maximize your efforts, build your customer base, and reap the profits.$

[Ed. Note. Ray Buckner is dedicated to helping you take control of your financial future with a web-based business that you can operate from anywhere in the world – including a coffee shop, your kitchen table, or anywhere around the world where there is Internet access. Discover how you can achieve the American Dream and your financial independence here. You’ve never seen anything like this before.]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Using YouTube to Dominate Google

Back in 2006, Google shocked the world by purchasing YouTube for over $1.4 billion. Fortunately for you, Google is a smart company and isn't going to waste that investment.

As a result of this purchase, Google now gives YouTube videos a search engine ranking advantage. That means YouTube videos often come up on the front page of Google's search results - even if the videos are much newer additions to the Internet than established Web pages featuring written content.

Thanks to Google's self-interest in YouTube, here's how your business can benefit by using videos as a promotional tool...

•Your videos will get a high ranking in Google's search results - and, therefore, more views.

•You will get more traffic to your site.

•You will build more trust with your audience.

•You will add more people to your e-mail list.

•You will sign up more distributors and make more sales.

You can get your videos up on YouTube and start getting traffic and sales from those videos immediately. I have recently stumbled upon a few techniques that can help you get even more out of your YouTube videos.

So here's how to dominate Google via YouTube. (But don't tell anyone else!)

1. Film your video.

Create a 90-second (or shorter), content-rich video on a single topic. Short videos get watched more frequently. Once your video is done, upload it to YouTube. (Just follow the instructions you get when you create your free account.)

2. Name the video with appropriate keywords.

This is very important. You must name your video based on the keywords you expect people to type in when looking for the information in your video. (Note: Every word in your title has to be relevant. Don't include the date or location of the video, unless they have something to do with the keywords you expect people to search.)

Doing this can put your video on page one of Google's search results in only 24 hours, even if you are competing with popular articles that have been posted on the Internet for years. Remember, Google heavily favors the content on YouTube. (After all, it didn't pay $1.4 billion for nothing.)

Okay, so now you've filmed a short, content-rich video, uploaded it to YouTube, and named it with the right keywords. This alone should get you a good ranking on Google. But there are ways to supercharge your search engine position...

3. Get incoming links to your video with appropriate anchor text.

Anchor text is simply the visible text on a hyperlink. (For example, the words "anchor text" in the previous sentence is anchor text itself. Click on it, and you'll be hyperlinked to an article by Alexis Siemon.) On your website and/or blog, link back to your video using the keyword in your anchor text. Get other people with related blogs and websites to do the same.

By doing this, and having other sites do the same, it "tells" Google that your video is relevant to that keyword phrase. And if you weren't already right at the top of the Google rankings, this will remind Google to put you in the right spot, right away.

So now you've got yourself a top position on page one of Google for your search term. But how does this actually help you attract more prospects and sell more products?

4. Get people from YouTube to your website.

If you get a lot of people to find your video through a Google search, you can get them to visit your website. You're simply using YouTube as another form of lead generation.

Here's how you maximize the number of people that visit your site after they watch your video:

•First, make sure to mention your website name (or business location) during the video.

•Second, put up a screenshot at the start and end of your video encouraging viewers to visit your site. (You may want to offer them something in exchange for visiting your site. For instance, I tell viewers of my videos to visit my website to get a free report.)

•Third, you can use a watermark (stamping the video with your website name) that shows throughout the entire video.

Until recently, I thought I was limited to the three options above. But then I stumbled on a way to get a direct link to my website without the video - and this method turned out to be a real success secret. In fact, it was so obvious, I'm a little embarrassed to say I wasted months not having a live link to my site. After all, people are lazy and, in most cases, aren't going to bother typing your website name into their browser. But if you give them a live hyperlink to your site, they'll click on it.

Here's how you do that on YouTube...

In the "About This Video" section, post your website name (being sure to include http:// at the beginning of it). By doing this, you get a live link that allows viewers of your video to simply click a button on their mouse and get transferred to your website.$

Once they're there, your sales copy will persuade them to opt in to your newsletter or purchase your product. And it will be easier than it ever was before, because you will already have made a personal connection with them through your video.$

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Make It A Privilege To Work With You!

If you've been exposed to Attraction Marketing for any length of time, you realize that it's all about attracting prospects instead of chasing suspects. Chasing suspects leads to so much frustration, and a 95% attrition rate in network marketing.

You know that you have to brand and position yourself as a leader. This takes time and a lot of hard work, but really pays off in the end. Many people are frustrated and looking for leadership. They're not getting it from politicians, the workplace, or even from their social circles.

So, what is the big advantage of setting yourself apart from the struggling 97% of network marketers? Well, when you are viewed as a leader, as someone with credibility and value, people are attracted to you in masses. It doesn't matter what company you represent, people will follow you because they feel that you can help them achieve their goals. And of course, the key to making a Rock Star income in our industry is to build a massive, producing downline.

When people start pursuing you, you can be more selective in who you choose to work with. Most network marketers, in the beginning, are happy to sponsor any and everybody. We know that this approach will produce some results, due to the Rule of Large Numbers. But Attraction Marketing is all about increasing your chances of closing hungry, motivated prospects.

Being a Leader allows you to qualify prospects more than you normally would. How would you like to be able to screen out prospects like this:

"Admission to my team is highly competitive. It is only for driven individuals who are so drawn to succeed that they would, literally, be prepared to blast through brick walls to participate. DO NOT APPLY if you are not ready to disrupt your life considerably for the rare privilege of joining a group of highly talented entrepreneurs in a collaborative life-changing experience.

"There is no other program remotely like this one in format, intensity, or effectiveness. Expect and be prepared for this opportunity to completely take over your life for the next 90 days. You will be given, and learn to work with, transformation tools of great power. And you will find your life has altered beyond measure.

"Read the program details below to determine if this opportunity is for you. Pay particular attention to the clear descriptions of who should and should not apply and some of the possible outcomes of this concentrated happening.

"This is not an opportunity for the faint of heart or for those who are merely curious. During your first 30 days, there will be assignments you will have to complete The initial training will take up virtually all your spare time while it lasts and it will seep into every part of your life. Embrace this intensity. This is what will enable you to make deep changes in your life."

Do you see the difference in this approach vs the traditional, needy approach? You're not saying "please join my opportunity". You are telling the prospect that it will be a privilege for him to be accepted onto your team. What would your business look like if you had a team of people that took you up on the above prerequisites?

So, next time you're about to do the hot 'n' heavy hard sell, try exclusivity instead: Make it a privilege to work with you.

[Ed. Note. Ray Buckner is dedicated to helping you take control of your financial future with a web-based business that you can operate from anywhere in the world – including a coffee shop, your kitchen table, or anywhere around the world where there is Internet access. Discover how you can achieve the American Dream and your financial independence here. You’ve never seen anything like this before.]

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Did You Accomplish Last Month?

"What did you accomplish last month?"

Most ambitious people set goals and use task lists. I've seen those task lists. They are usually handwritten on lined paper. Pages and pages of "things to do" with no way to sort out what's important.

I used to do that. But I was never, ever able to accomplish my important long-term goals that way. I doubt those people do either.

The system I use now is more detailed. And it requires you to fool with it twice a day. When you see it, you might think it's obsessive-compulsive and nerdy -- definitely not something that truly bright and cool people would do.

But it works.

In fact, I'm amazed by how well it works.

But, if I had to report what I had done in a typical month 10 years ago, my list would be a fraction of the size of what it is now. Oh, I did a lot of  "busy work", but nothing that really advanced my long-term goals. I was very busy. And I made good money. But my life was speeding by without any hope of being able to look back at it and think, "I did what I wanted to do."

What system are you currently using, if any? Are you happy with your results? Are you moving towards your goals, or are you frustrated with your lack of progress?

Have you done what you wanted to do? Really?

Think back to when you were younger. Did you have aspirations that you eventually closeted away as being unrealistic?

Did you ever want to act in a play? Or write a book? Or learn Italian cooking?

Did you ever want to travel to Egypt or South Africa or Greece?

Do you imagine yourself retired on a beachfront property in some exotic island?

There are so many wonderful things to do before you die. But you have to start making those things happen now... or, chances are, you never will.

We live in difficult times. The economy is bad -- much worse than the government and the media owns up to. And you have many pressing responsibilities. You have to earn a living. You have to pay your bills. You have to be a good spouse/parent/child, etc.

But those are not reasons for preventing you from accomplishing your buried dreams. Those should  be among the reasons that you SHOULD be accomplishing your buried dreams! Never use your family or other responsibilities as an excuse NOT to pursue your dreams.$

[Ed. Note: Ray Buckner is offering a complete blueprint to helping you take control of your financial future with a web-based business that you can operate from anywhere in the world – including a coffee shop, your kitchen table, or anywhere around the world where there is Internet access. Discover how you can achieve the American Dream and your financial independence here. You’ve never seen anything like this before.]

Friday, November 5, 2010

Become Fully Accountable for Your Success

Reflecting back upon the topics I’ve written on; whether the subject matter was selling, prospecting, time management, coaching, or leadership, I’ve noticed a common theme. It seemed that all roads led me back to one centralized focal point, which made the difference between a person or a company, being average or good and being truly great. And that central theme always seemed to revolve around personal accountability.

Today, we live in a society whose moral fiber is crumbling from the weight of American Entitlement that has plagued and polluted our thinking around what was once referred to as the American Dream. That is, we’ve collapsed American Entitlement with the American Dream. And during this time of uncertainty and doubt, people are looking for new answers.

This heightened sense of transparency we’re experiencing as a result of our rapidly changing marketplace is waking people up. The most obvious and high profile cases of American Entitlement show up more and more each day as the media reports on another executive choice based in greed, entitlement and self serving agendas. Whether we’re talking about the:

  • CEO’s of the Big Three auto companies flying their private jets to Washington to request taxpayer bailout money
  • A Nevada judge who got arrested for driving to her courthouse drunk on her way to test a suspect’s Blood Alcohol Content.
  • The more than 18 billion dollars worth of bonuses that were paid out to executives on Wall Street last year
  • OR The family who’s living way beyond their means, 
  • The parent who blames the school system instead of themselves for not more closely monitoring their child, especially when it comes to what they’re doing on the internet

Everyone has a story of a person they’ve encountered who lives with a sense of entitlement. It is this failure to be more accountable around their goals and responsibilities that affects every area of their lives: their career, their health, their families and most important, their children.

 From the board room, the home room, and all the way to the play room, we can all get what we truly want by accepting everything we already have and making the transformation from living a life of entitlement to one of full accountability and acceptance. Even companies looking to reinvent themselves and their culture need to do so from the inside out in order to reshape how we all think, live and work.

Full accountability in every area of our lives will lead directly to greater success, freedom and fulfillment in everything we do. It’s something that we’re all connected to that touches every area of our lives.

 So, what will drive you to live a fully accountable life? There’s only one reason you need. Our children; so that they have something to grab on to in order to live their best life and one of purpose. After all, what more of a reason do we need? So, live passionately; and live responsibly.$

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hard Work Or Talent?

I believe there is a direct relationship between hard work and success. Those who work harder achieve more. And that applies equally to individuals, families, ethnic groups, and nations.

Yes, talent helps. But talent is not something we can choose. It is given to us, as are so many other “advantages”: the kind of family we are born into, the color of our skin, and even our native intelligence.

You can’t increase your natural talents. But you can work hard to get better at any skill. And if you work hard enough, sometimes you arrive at a point where it looks like natural talent. People say to you, “Well, such and such is easy for you. You have a gift for it.”

There are many talented people out there doing nothing, achieving nothing, and living unhappy lives. Because talent is a two-edged sword.

Having a gift for a certain something can rob you of the habit of hard work. If you don’t have to try as hard, you never develop your potential. In the beginning, you are a natural leader in the field — but as time passes, the less-talented overtake you.
So let me ask you… how hard are you working?

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Ultimate Customer Formula

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. Without customers -- people who buy your product or service -- you really don't have a business, do you? Ok, nothing new there!

Ask any business owner, and he'll tell you he wants more customers. Yet I say that you DON'T want more customers. What you want are more Evangelists.

What's an Evangelist? In this sense of the word, I mean someone who not only buys from you but tells everyone within earshot (and e-mailshot) how great you are.

There are three kinds of people who buy from you:

1. Customer = someone who simply buys from you

2. Referrer = someone who tells one or two people about you

3. Evangelist = someone who tells everyone about you

So how do we move people from Customer to Referrer to Evangelist?

By using The Ultimate Customer Formula:

Want + Trust = Customer

Want x Trust = Referrer

Want x Love = Evangelist

Let's start with why someone becomes a Customer in the first place.

First, a person has a Want -- something they desire. It could be to alleviate a PAIN or to increase their PLEASURE. That pretty much covers human Want.

Then they find out about you (through something called marketing). And something they read, hear, see, or experience in your marketing makes them Trust that you will deliver to them the fulfillment of their Want.

If you do what you said you would do -- help fulfill their Want -- they are satisfied with their purchase. They are now your Customer because they Trust you.

So what do you do now?

That's where most businesses fail. They go, "Whew, we got another one. Okay, where do we get the next one?"

But don't you get it? You can get your next Customer -- or dozen Customers -- from that first satisfied Customer!

How? Simple: Make them feel good about their purchase. Ask if there's anything else you can do. See what else they need or want -- that they may not even have thought of. Ask questions that no one else is asking.

Or just be so much better than the other guys that your Customers have no choice but to choose you to fulfill their Want.

Let me give you an example...

I love Southwest Airlines. Why? There are dozens of reasons, but the most important one for me is that when I need to change a flight, I simply call their toll-free number and an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING picks up the phone and says, "Southwest, how can I help you?"

Then I change the flight and there is NO service fee! What do you know? Southwest treats my money as MY money!

I've flown other airlines, and paid as much as $450 for CHANGE FEES. Ridiculous!

Do you see what I just did? I just told everyone who's reading this blog how awesome Southwest Airlines is. I went from Customer right to Evangelist.

If I felt so-so about Southwest, I might tell one or two friends. That would make me a Referrer.

But because I love Southwest, I tell everyone about them -- even when I'm flying on other airlines!

How did it happen? I have a Want -- affordable, reliable airline service to take me where I need to go, AND actual human beings who answer the phone, AND no fees when I need to change a flight.

From the very first time I flew Southwest, they not only delivered the fulfillment of my Want -- they OVER-delivered by thinking of ways I hadn't even thought of to make my travel better and easier, and by being a company of real live human beings.

So I emotionally moved from I Trust Southwest to I LOVE Southwest.

How fitting that their stock ticker symbol is LUV.

So here's The Ultimate Customer Formula again -- this time with the thoughts that go behind it:

Want + Trust = Customer

I want something and trust that you will deliver it to me.

Want x Trust = Referrer

I want something and trust that you will not only deliver it to me but that if I were to send a friend to you, you'd deliver it to them too.

Want x Love = Evangelist

I want something and not only trust that you will deliver it to me, you will over-deliver, take care of me in ways I hadn't even thought of, and you are a company of actual human beings.

That last part is particularly vital today. The word we see everywhere in marketing is transparency.

In the old days, you could hide behind a corporate shield and be immune to criticism. Those days are long gone.

People are amazed when I pick up the phone and call them to see if they're happy with their purchase, or personally respond to an e-mail they wrote me, or write back to them on my Facebook fan page.

My feeling is, why wouldn't I?

But the beauty is, very few of my competitors will ever pick up the phone and call people to connect with them.

Sure, it's more work for me. But it's work that I really enjoy doing. Plus, it cements me as the guy who actually CARES about how they're doing (which, as it happens, I do).

So, use The Ultimate Customer Formula and see what you can do today, this week, this month, and this year to move people from Customer to Referrer to Evangelist.

And isn't it amazing that the ultimate secret to success, yet again, is Love.$

[Ed. Note: If you're not happy with your financial situation, you're in the perfect position to change it for the better – right now. Ray has just released a special video that covers an online business system that you can use to start growing your wealth. To watch this short video, click the following link:]