Saturday, April 9, 2016

Is “Working For Yourself” The Only Way To Get Rich?

“Keep moving. Slower or faster does not matter as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
Contrary to popular mythology, most self-employed business owners are not getting rich. In fact, the average income of small-business owners is virtually the same as that of employees. According to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Small Business Policy Guide, both workers and employees make a median income of $33,000.That’s the most common income of both groups, but it doesn’’t tell the whole story. If you want to know who is making the big bucks – who, for example, is bringing home more than $100,000 a year – the answer is clear: It’s the self-employed.

Also, people who employ themselves are more likely than their wage-earning counterparts to move up and down the income scale. When the economy is strong, entrepreneurial earnings go up faster. During recessions, they take a bigger financial hit.
Risk varies for entrepreneurs depending on where they begin.
If you are in the bottom 20% of wage earners, starting your own business will probably give you a higher average income than the fellow workers you left behind. If you leave a high-paying job ($60,000 plus), chances are you will end up earning less as a self-employed businessperson than you would sticking with the 9 to 5.
Note: This last statistic doesn’’t belie what I said before about there being more high-income entrepreneurs than employees.
What does all this mean? Simply this: Quitting your job and going it alone is no guarantee of riches. Most entrepreneurs do no better than employees when it comes to earnings.
The decision to keep a job or go out on your own should be about psychological preferences, not financial ones. You can get rich – or at least achieve financial independence – either way. The trick is to develop a financially valuable skill, to use it to achieve a higher-than-average income, to save a good portion of that extra income, and to invest wisely.
In future messages, we'’ll talk more about what “investing wisely” means. Today, spend a few minutes considering the more fundamental question: Are you happier as an employee or an entrepreneur? Think about whether it’s more important to you to work on your own or with others … to have a sense of structure or to enjoy a sense of freedom … to have a boss or be one … etc.
There are benefits and drawbacks to both of these work styles. So think about it carefully. It’’s a very important consideration.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the Internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…

Monday, April 4, 2016

Buying and Selling Local Rental Properties

“If you fall, pick something up while you’re down there.” – New England proverb
It seems to me that there are two big secrets in making rental real estate work for you. One has to do with the old “location/location/location” axiom. The other is about the condition of the property you buy.
Let’s start with some rules, keeping in mind that rules are made to be followed until you understand the principles behind them.
1. Buy properties in your local area.
To be a successful investor, you have to know what you are doing. And if you have been living where you are living for any number of years, you already have more knowledge about local real estate than you think. You already have a clear idea of the good neighborhoods, the not-so-good ones, and the ones you need to stay out of. You may have developed a feeling for the up-and-comers. By staying in your local area, you give yourself the chance to really know the market. And this is the most important factor in limiting your risk and increasing your chances for profits.
2. Invest in good or up-and-coming properties.
I can tell you from experience that the old saying about the three rules of real estate being “location, location, location” is true. But there are two kinds of good locations: those that are already established as good and those that are on their way to becoming good. You can make good money with both.
Here’s how …
* In good neighborhoods, buy the least-expensive property you can find. That way, any money you spend fixing it up (if you fix it up wisely) will bring you double or triple your invested dollars. When you buy a poor piece of property in a good neighborhood, you get the benefit of the neighborhood to lift your selling price once the property looks acceptable. Of course, it’s not easy to get the least-expensive piece of property in such a good neighborhood cheap. Most of the time, the property owner realizes what’s going on. But with really dilapidated homes, and sometimes with owner-sold properties, you can get a real bargain.
A quick example: A couple of months ago, I brought a 1,200-square-foot, two-bedroom apartment in my hometown for $62,000 and rented it out for $1,000 a month. That’s a very good deal, even after considering the three grand I spent fixing it up.
* In up-and-coming neighborhoods, buy properties in clusters — either by yourself or with a consortium of buyers. That way, when you all renovate, you will upgrade the look of the area you are in — and this will bring up prices, sometimes even more than you’d guess.
* Whenever possible, buy newer, solid structures. There’s nothing worse than managing a rundown building. The tenants complain. They are reluctant to pay the rent. They treat you like a crook. It’s bad. Be extra careful about the critical and costly things. Don’t buy any property that has major problems — a bad roof, rotten plumbing, or burned-out electrical. The cost will eat up any profit you can make.
* Develop a network of reliable contractors: a plumber, an electrician, an A/C guy, a painter, a landscaper, and — most important — an inexpensive handyman.
As in so many businesses, real estate is all about buying right. If you get a property for a good price and don’t over-invest in fixing it up, you’ll be 95% certain to do well in the long run.
My own very general guideline on buying rental properties is never to buy a property if the total cost (sales price plus fix-up expenses) exceeds nine times the rent. Usually, I try to do — and do — better than that, though that’s not easy in good and up-and-coming markets, where there is a lot of sophisticated competition vying for limited properties.
Say, for example, you found a building that could be bought for $90,000. And say it would require $10,000 to bring it up to where you want it. (Where you want it is in a condition that will enable you to get a decent rent and keep your tenants from complaining because things are breaking all the time.) That’s $100,000 total.
In such a situation, following my rules, you’d want your total monthly rents to be $11,000 or more.
Say you could get $11,500. Here’s how it would look, from an investment perspective, if you paid for everything in cash: Your total investment would be $100,000, and your net cash flow, after paying property taxes (say $1,000 a year) and upkeep (say $1,500 a year), would be $9,000. That’s a 9% return on your money.
That’s a pretty good deal if you believe, as I do, that real estate is safer than stocks.
But that’s not the whole story. If you buy right and in the right location, you’ll get a very significant appreciation in the property value. This can vary widely. Historically, it’s about 4% to 5% — which would give you a total cash return of about 13% to 14%.
But that’s just the average. If you know what you are doing, you can do much better than that. A rental property I bought three years ago for $195,000 just sold for $395,000. My return on investment (ROI) was astronomical.
If you finance rental property, the ROI is sometimes even better. In a future SYTSF, I’ll tell you more about that.
But I think you understand the point. Owning rental properties — if you own good ones (which means better tenants and fewer complaints) — can be a very manageable way to make a lot of extra money on the side, while you are working for someone else or running your own business.
Of all the things I’ve done “on the side,” rental real estate has definitely been among the very best.
Piece by piece, I put together what has turned out to be a very nice collection of properties. Their rental fees have been good, and, because I never quit my day job, I’ve been able to use those rents not only to pay down my mortgages but also to buy other properties.
It has been a painless experience for the most part. And a profitable one. In what seems (in retrospect) like no time at all, I’ve acquired enough income from my real-estate rental property to retire on. That is — if I believe in retiring.
If you want to get going, you’ll need a lot more information than I’ve given you here. Fortunately, there are reams of advice about real estate at your local library and online. While you learning, go out and get to know your local market. Saturday mornings, take a walk or bike ride. Start looking at those ubiquitous home-sale catalogs. Talk to a few brokers.
Don’t buy anything this weekend. Just look around and get familiar with the your local market. Take your time. Have some fun. Acquiring a good feeling for local property values is one of those skills that only experience can teach you.$

[Do you know how Facebook and Google became the most powerful companies in the world?

It’s NOT helping you share pics of last night’s dinner...
It’s NOT searching for drunken cat videos…
And it’s DEFINITELY NOT about free Gmail accounts.
The simple truth is Facebook and Google SELL TRAFFIC.

They SELL TRAFFIC to business owners, and that advertising revenue alone has turned them into billion dollar companies.
Traffic is the most valuable commodity on the Internet, and that will never change.
This is why using the Traffic Authority business system is the ultimate way to make extra income in your business…