Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Using YouTube to Dominate Google

Back in 2006, Google shocked the world by purchasing YouTube for over $1.4 billion. Fortunately for you, Google is a smart company and isn't going to waste that investment.

As a result of this purchase, Google now gives YouTube videos a search engine ranking advantage. That means YouTube videos often come up on the front page of Google's search results - even if the videos are much newer additions to the Internet than established Web pages featuring written content.

Thanks to Google's self-interest in YouTube, here's how your business can benefit by using videos as a promotional tool...

•Your videos will get a high ranking in Google's search results - and, therefore, more views.

•You will get more traffic to your site.

•You will build more trust with your audience.

•You will add more people to your e-mail list.

•You will sign up more distributors and make more sales.

You can get your videos up on YouTube and start getting traffic and sales from those videos immediately. I have recently stumbled upon a few techniques that can help you get even more out of your YouTube videos.

So here's how to dominate Google via YouTube. (But don't tell anyone else!)

1. Film your video.

Create a 90-second (or shorter), content-rich video on a single topic. Short videos get watched more frequently. Once your video is done, upload it to YouTube. (Just follow the instructions you get when you create your free account.)

2. Name the video with appropriate keywords.

This is very important. You must name your video based on the keywords you expect people to type in when looking for the information in your video. (Note: Every word in your title has to be relevant. Don't include the date or location of the video, unless they have something to do with the keywords you expect people to search.)

Doing this can put your video on page one of Google's search results in only 24 hours, even if you are competing with popular articles that have been posted on the Internet for years. Remember, Google heavily favors the content on YouTube. (After all, it didn't pay $1.4 billion for nothing.)

Okay, so now you've filmed a short, content-rich video, uploaded it to YouTube, and named it with the right keywords. This alone should get you a good ranking on Google. But there are ways to supercharge your search engine position...

3. Get incoming links to your video with appropriate anchor text.

Anchor text is simply the visible text on a hyperlink. (For example, the words "anchor text" in the previous sentence is anchor text itself. Click on it, and you'll be hyperlinked to an article by Alexis Siemon.) On your website and/or blog, link back to your video using the keyword in your anchor text. Get other people with related blogs and websites to do the same.

By doing this, and having other sites do the same, it "tells" Google that your video is relevant to that keyword phrase. And if you weren't already right at the top of the Google rankings, this will remind Google to put you in the right spot, right away.

So now you've got yourself a top position on page one of Google for your search term. But how does this actually help you attract more prospects and sell more products?

4. Get people from YouTube to your website.

If you get a lot of people to find your video through a Google search, you can get them to visit your website. You're simply using YouTube as another form of lead generation.

Here's how you maximize the number of people that visit your site after they watch your video:

•First, make sure to mention your website name (or business location) during the video.

•Second, put up a screenshot at the start and end of your video encouraging viewers to visit your site. (You may want to offer them something in exchange for visiting your site. For instance, I tell viewers of my videos to visit my website to get a free report.)

•Third, you can use a watermark (stamping the video with your website name) that shows throughout the entire video.

Until recently, I thought I was limited to the three options above. But then I stumbled on a way to get a direct link to my website without the video - and this method turned out to be a real success secret. In fact, it was so obvious, I'm a little embarrassed to say I wasted months not having a live link to my site. After all, people are lazy and, in most cases, aren't going to bother typing your website name into their browser. But if you give them a live hyperlink to your site, they'll click on it.

Here's how you do that on YouTube...

In the "About This Video" section, post your website name (being sure to include http:// at the beginning of it). By doing this, you get a live link that allows viewers of your video to simply click a button on their mouse and get transferred to your website.$

Once they're there, your sales copy will persuade them to opt in to your newsletter or purchase your product. And it will be easier than it ever was before, because you will already have made a personal connection with them through your video.$

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